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Blood Line Page 15
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Page 15
He sighed. “Okay, but try to think about what I said.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I said as I hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket.
I took my time walking back toward the warehouse, my mind spinning and my stomach cramping because the night was almost over. That meant we were that much closer to Charlotte becoming a vampire, and I still wasn’t sure I could do it.
“Ah, there you are.”
I looked up to find Jasper leaning against my SUV parked out front. “Get off my truck,” I said as I stormed past him.
He stood up with a wicked smile on his face. “You know, you shouldn’t leave that human of yours alone for so long. Someone else might come along and snatch her up.”
My hand was wrapped around his throat before I had time to think it through. “You stay the fuck away from her,” I growled.
Jasper laughed, the sound distorted because I was squeezing his neck so tight. “Kinda hard to stay away from her when we’re practically roommates for the weekend.”
With another growl, I tossed him aside. “I’m serious. Don’t touch her.”
He dusted off his impeccably clean clothes, his smile still in place. “I won’t have to touch her to prove I was right about her.”
“I don’t need you to prove shit,” I said as I turned to walk away.
“So, you’re not at all curious? There’s not a single part of you that wants to know if she really desires you as her maker or if you’re just a convenient option.”
My mind screamed that Charlotte wasn’t like that, but his words were viciously tearing into that defense.
Jasper caught up to me, falling in step to my right. “Listen, all I have to do is ask her a simple question. I won’t coerce her, I won’t try to convince her of anything, I’ll just give her the option and you can see for yourself what she says.”
“She won’t go for it,” I said again, the words weaker than they were last time I said them.
Jasper shrugged and held the door open for me. “I guess we’ll see tomorrow.”
I clenched my hands into fists as I watched him walk away, the fucker practically skipping. He stopped a few feet away and turned around.
“I’m having some humans delivered to my room if you want to join me.”
“I’d rather drink piss.”
Jasper laughed again. It ricocheted off the walls, sounding even louder than before. “Have it your way!” he said in a sing-song voice before he disappeared down the hall.
I watched him go, reminding myself over and over that I couldn’t afford to behead another vampire. All the while wishing I’d saved my one get out of jail free card for this asshole.
I followed the scent of food to the dining room, but it was empty, so I must have missed dinner. A little streak of guilt shot through my system as I realized I’d left her alone for hours. With heavy feet, I shuffled down the hall to her room and knocked on the door.
She opened a few moments later, wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and a pair of fuzzy socks. I glanced over my shoulder before pushing her backward into the room and closing the door behind me.
“Hey, what the hell?” she said as she slapped my hands away.
“Why would you answer the door half-dressed like that?”
She rolled her eyes and cocked a hip to the side. “I knew it was you.”
“It could have been anyone.”
She shrugged and turned away. “But I knew it was you.”
Charlotte crossed the room, her tight ass barely covered beneath that shirt, and I was instantly hard. In that moment, something deep within me clicked, and I knew I had to have her. To mark her as mine. To take her one more time before the illusion was shattered. To make sure she always remembered me.
Before I could think it through too hard, I raced across the room and wrapped my hands around her hips, grinding my hard cock into her ass.
“So, you intended to greet me half-dressed? Why would you do that Charlotte?” I whispered in her ear.
She shivered delicately in my arms and it only made me harder. “I didn’t think you’d care. You’ve seen it all before.”
I squeezed my eyes closed as all the mental snapshots I had of her flooded my brain. Gripping her tighter, I heard her gasp as I leaned down to breathe her in again. “Do you know what it does to me seeing you like this?”
She shrugged a single shoulder, her face turned so she could look me in the eye. There, I saw nothing but desire and determination. If nothing else, it was a relief to know she at least wanted me as much as I wanted her. “What does it do?” Her whispered words were a clear dare.
In one swift motion, I yanked her shirt off and spun her around to sit on the bed. Her eyes were wide as I knelt between her thighs. “It makes me so hard I can’t fucking walk straight,” I said as I spread her knees apart and breathed her in. “It makes my hands shake with how badly I want you.”
She gasped softly as I pressed my lips against her clit through her panties. “It makes me want to fuck you until you can’t think of anything but me. Until you’re dripping, and thrashing, and screaming my name.”
“Alex,” she moaned as I slid her underwear down her legs and spread her wide open before me.
“Yes, love?” I murmured against her heated core as I trailed my tongue up and down her slit.
She moaned again, louder this time as I thrust my tongue into her over and over. Her fingers dug into my hair as I sipped on her like she was a fine wine. I slipped two fingers into her depth as I focused on her clit.
“I love seeing you like this. Open just for me,” I growled against her. My fingers pumped in and out of her faster as I felt her orgasm nearing.
“Alex, please,” she groaned, her head whipping back and forth as I teased her further with my lips and tongue.
“You want to come?”
“Yes. Please,” she whimpered as she rotated her hips, looking for the satisfaction I was withholding from her.
I licked her one more time, slowly, from the bottom of her slit to the top, reveling in the feel and taste of her. When I made it to her clit, I used one single fang to pierce the sensitive flesh. Her gasp sent a bolt of electricity through my veins. The second a drop of blood appeared, I pulled it into my mouth and sucked hard.
She came explosively, screaming and writhing on the bed as I tried to hold her still and drink from her. The orgasm ripped through her body so violently she was left shaking beneath my hands. Charlotte’s pleasure echoed inside of me, the blood claim tying us in a way I’d never felt before.
I was standing and undressed within seconds as I held my cock and lined it up with her. Not able to wait any longer, I sank inside and watched as her eyes flew wide open.
“I’m going to fuck you better than you’ve ever been fucked before,” I growled as I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my hips.
Charlotte’s hands dug into the sheets on either side of her body as I pulled back and slammed myself inside her. “Yes,” she gasped.
I pulled her hips closer to mine, lifting them in the air and pumping into her harder. “I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll never forget the feel of my cock inside you.”
She squeezed her eyes closed as the tremors started in her hands. Soon, her whole body was quaking as I chased our orgasms down.
“You’ll never forget this. Never forget me. I fucking own this sweet little space between your legs. No one will ever make you feel like this again.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted as she clenched around me. Another scream wrenched from her lips.
I hammered into her furiously as my own orgasm crashed into me, sweeping me under as I held onto her. Like this never had to end. Like I never had to let her go.
But that wasn’t realistic, and as I gathered her up and laid her sleepy body between the sheets, I begged for another alternative. An option where she was happy, and I still got to keep her.
But I was running out of time and running out of ideas.
apter 18
“They’re serving breakfast for the humans,” I said softly into her ear. Her curls tickled my face as I breathed her in. “I think you should get up, love.”
She moaned quietly before snuggling into me further. Her little ass ground against my dick, but I told him to take it easy. Charlotte sighed in contentment, and that little sound flooded my entire body with warmth.
I swiped a lock of hair off her face and tucked it behind her ear, marveling in her beauty. In that moment, I knew I’d never seen a more gorgeous sight. Charlotte was curled up, her hands tucked beneath her face with a small smile on her pink lips.
She looked so happy and I let myself take a small piece of credit for her current bliss. Knowing I’d put that grin on her face was enough to strengthen my resolve to find a solution to our issue. I knew there had to be a way for us to both get what we wanted.
For her, it was to be a vampire.
For me, it was just to keep her.
I leaned down and kissed her soft cheek, my lips lingering on her warm skin. Her eyelids fluttered before she cracked one open to look at me. I met her gaze, mine as open and honest as I could make it. I wanted her to see me in that moment.
“Evening,” she mumbled, her smile stretching wider across her face.
I kissed her cheek again. “Good evening, love. How did you sleep?”
She sighed and stretched in my arms, her hands reaching way above her head as the sheet slipped past her breasts. I reached out to cup them in my hands before I could stop myself.
She giggled and pushed her chest further into my palm. “Mmmm,” she moaned as I massaged and pinched her nipples. “A girl could get used to this.”
Her words almost stopped me dead in my tracks.
Would we get many more evenings like this?
I shook my head before leaning in closer and pulling her hardened nub into my mouth. She gasped and threaded her fingers through my hair.
“Are you hungry?” she whispered.
My fangs throbbed, but it was nothing compared to the ache in my cock. I ripped the sheet off her naked body and positioned myself between her legs. “Fucking famished,” I grunted. With my hard dick in hand, I slowly slid into her as I buried my face in her neck and drank deeply.
It was another hour before we made it to breakfast, but thankfully, the food was still hot. I sat beside her, watching as she ate and laughed with one of the other humans. It was clear the older man was already besotted by her, but I really couldn’t blame him.
Charlotte was radiant this morning.
So charming, and sweet, and beautiful. I couldn’t stop looking at her. Couldn’t stop trying to memorize every detail of her face. Couldn’t stop trying to make this uncomplicated moment last forever.
But, of course, things are never that easy.
Charlotte was about halfway done with her waffles when my phone rang. I pulled it out to silence it, but stopped when I realized it was Nicholas. With a sigh, I leaned over and kissed the side of her head. “I have to take this,” I murmured, holding up my vibrating phone.
She smiled easily at me. “Okay. Hurry back.”
Like anything could keep me away.
“Hausle,” I answered when I was far enough away to have some privacy.
“Alexander, I need you here,” my boss answered.
My stomach fell. “I thought I was suspended.”
“I’m lifting it.”
I jerked back in surprise. “What the hell is going on?”
“It was an inside job,” he growled.
“The jail?” I asked, my voice softer as the gravity of the situation settled around me.
“Yes, the fucking jail. Someone tampered with the power source and we need to figure out who.”
I ran a hand through my hair as I glanced behind me to where I’d left Charlotte. “Nicholas, I’ve got this orientation thing going on today. I’m supposed to sit through a class or some shit tonight.”
“Get the cliff notes. I need you in Queens as soon as you can get here.”
I sighed and let my hand fall to my side. There was no way around this. Something of that magnitude needed all hands on deck, even if mine were already full.
“Okay. I’ll figure it out.”
“Call me when you’re on the road,” he said before hanging up.
I shoved my phone in my pocket and used the walk back to Charlotte to figure out an excuse for leaving her there. She saw me the moment I stepped into the dining room, her face bright and happy at just the sight of me.
Fuck, this girl made me crazy.
I slipped into the chair next to her and leaned in close. “I have to leave for a little while today, love.”
She turned to me with a frown. “But we’ve got the orientation class today. Both humans and makers are supposed to attend.”
I tried to pretend that she hadn’t just called me her maker because that title made my stomach cramp.
I reached for her hand and rubbed her palm softly as I spoke. “I know. I’ll have to copy your notes later.”
She rolled her eyes, but the corner of her lip twitched with a smile and I knew she’d forgive me for this. “Why do you need to leave?”
I sighed and leaned my forehead against hers as I tried to figure out how much I could tell her. “There’s been an issue with the vampire jail and Nicholas needs me to come help them. I should only be a few hours.”
Her bottom lip poked out and I couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss it. When I pulled back, she was smiling again. “Okay, I guess if you have to go.”
I ran my fingers through her soft hair and told her the truth. “I wish I didn’t have to leave you.”
Just like I wish she didn’t have to leave me.
But I felt that inevitability down to the marrow of my bones.
She reached out and pressed her lips against mine, catching me by surprise. “Then hurry back to me,” she said with a shrug.
I leaned in and kissed her one more time, savoring the warmth and taste of her lips before pulling away. “I will. I promise.”
It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to walk out of the dining room and away from Charlotte, but I did it. I rationalized with myself that if there was something fishy going on at the vamp jail, that could be dangerous for her. I didn’t want her living in a world where some of those assholes were free to roam around again.
But I was still going to do my damnedest to make this a quick trip.
The ride to Queens was quick with the light traffic on the roads at that hour, and thankfully, I made great time. Nicholas was waiting outside the prison for me.
“I have some men investigating the electrical room and trying to figure out how the failsafe was bypassed. I need you to help me interview the guards. We need to figure out who knows what and get the rat out of this maze before it’s too late.”
I nodded. “I can do that.”
I fell into step next to him as he led the way inside. “Let’s just be thankful only the lower-level criminals’ cells were compromised. Whoever the traitor is, he must be connected to one of them.”
I nodded again, trying to replace thoughts of Charlotte with thoughts of my job. This was not the time to daydream about the girl that filled my head. I needed to be the badass guard that Nicholas was relying on to get to the bottom of this mess.
Problem was, I didn’t know how deep this shit went.
I was on my fifteenth interview of the night, this one as pointless as the last. None of these knuckleheads knew anything about the sabotage, and I was starting to think we were barking up the wrong tree.
“Send in the next one,” I called to the guard helping me get through these interrogations.
A vampire walked in wearing the same prison employee uniforms as the others. The difference was this guy didn’t have the stripes on his shirt to indicate he was a guard here. That meant he must have been some other kind of staff member. A janitor or blood ba
nk worker. Why he’d been sent to me, I wasn’t sure, but fuck it. I’d ask him the same questions as the others.
“What’s your name?”
“Ivan Van der Waal.”
“And what’s your position here?”
“I work in the bank.”
Just as I’d suspected. I stifled the sigh as I realized this was pointless and I could already be on the road back to Charlotte. But he was there, and I had a job to do, even though I knew it was a waste of time.
“Ivan, have you been down to sub-level seven anytime in the past week?” That was where the electrical rooms were. We had cameras all over that floor, of course, but the ones near that end of the hall had all gone silent minutes before the electricity went out.
His eyes widened as he shook his head slowly. “No. I have no business down there. The blood bank is on the ground floor.”
“I know where the bank is located,” I said between gritted teeth.
Ivan gulped loudly and threaded his fingers together on the table in front of him. “Did something happen?”
I just barely held back an eye roll. “You’re telling me you haven’t heard about the power outage that let several incarcerated vampires loose?”
Somehow, his watery gray eyes got wider. “Were any of them… dangerous?” he whispered.
I clenched my hands into fists, ready to be done with this ridiculous interview. “Of course they were dangerous. They were locked up for a reason.”
He leaned closer. “But not like the really bad ones, right? They’re still locked up?”
He looked like he might wet himself if I didn’t confirm his theory quick enough. I sighed and sat back in my chair. “Of course. The most dangerous criminals in this prison are all starved of blood. You should know this.”
He nodded slowly, his face somehow paler than it was when he first walked in here. As for me, I was through with this interview.